Why a blog post alone is never enough to generate you leads

It’s a widely known fact that creating great content on your website will lead to more website traffic, engagement and new sales enquiries for your business. According to HubSpot, blogging is the third-most-common content marketing strategy for businesses. And, marketers that prioritise blogging see 13-times the ROI of businesses that don’t.

Maybe you’ve been blogging for some time but given up because you just weren’t getting the results you’d hoped. 

Perhaps you feel like you’re promoting your content to an echo chamber… to an audience that just don’t engage with your content.

Maybe you’re not giving the same level of effort to the way in which you promote your blogs to the amount of time you spend writing them (psssstt…the clue is that you should spend more time promoting them than writing them!)

You know the old saying: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” 

If this sounds like you, it’s time to implement strategies that will support the great content that you’ve spent so long creating.  


Each blog should have a keyword-driven title with correct title tags, Page Title and Meta Description on each page so that search engines can determine what your content is about and rank you accordingly.  

If you’re unsure how to do this, book a FREE Consultation with me and I can share my secrets of successful on-page SEO implementation. 


Creating blog content not only helps to attract new customers, it keeps your warmer prospects engaged with you. It helps to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise, pushing them further through the sales process so that they eventually buy from you.

Email is a great way to promote your content to prospects you’ve already had conversations with, or those who signed up to your mailing list to get useful updates from you. 

Unsure how you build your mailing list? Book a FREE Consultation with me and I’ll share some ideas that have worked for my clients. 

Social Media 

Where better to promote your content than a platform where people spend up to 25% of their time? Content needs to be promoted not just once, but several times using different techniques and messages. 

If a chef can create 100 different meals with the same ingredients, you can do the same with your blogs.  

Are you creating several different messages from your blogs and turning them into great social media posts, live videos, IGTV videos and stories? 

The old adage of “build it and they will come” is dead.  

It’s time to start getting your content out there in new and fresh ways through the power of a whole range of marketing channels that are available to us. 

Intrigued to find out more and how to implement a great lead generation system for your business that not only gets your blogs READ, but ACTED UPON, book a FREE Consultation with me.